Alliance Against Sexual Harassment

Members: Action Aid Islamabad, Bedari Islamabad, Hawwa Associates Islamabad, Interactive Resource Center Lahore, Mehergarh: A Center for Learning Islamabad, PILER Karachi, PODA Islamabad, Preview Productions, WORD Islamabad

Untitled Document

Updated Law Documents
.Compliance Instructions
.Text of New Laws
.Code of Conduct
.Simplified CoC
.Implementation  Framework

Summary of feedback and recommendations from the provinces:

In all four provinces where the consultations were held, there was unanimous endorsement for the Code, and in two provinces (Balochistan, Sindh), it was strongly advocated that the initiative must go beyond the Code of Conduct and introduce formal legislation, in form of an ordinance.

An attempt was made to ensure participation of specialists as well as of civil society stakeholders. The success of this endeavor is evident by the support the unanimous Code received in all provinces. The participants included experts, official government representatives of concerned departments, bureaucrats, councilors, lawyers, jurists, academicians, writers, sociologists, media, corporate and social workers and non-governmental institutions and organizations. .  The participants networked and agreed to work in collaboration in their own capacities to enable implementation of this Code.

The feedback and comments were specific in nature dealing with technical workings of the Code, concrete steps towards implementation and its compatibility with existing legal structures. There were also broad based suggestions on establishing support structures which would facilitate and reinforce the Code.

The consultations were extremely successful in collecting a diverse group of people, and ensured that the consultative process remained broad based, and not only activist or urban centered. All provincial meetings had a high level of enthusiasm and commitment.

The commonality in all the consultations was the concern at implementation. Throughout, it was consistently felt that implementation would be a daunting challenge and one that would require constant vigilance. Emphasis was placed on modes through which adequate enforcement and adoption could be ensured.

Each province considered its own context in its responses and varied suggestions were given best suited for implementing the Code in respective provinces, and the reservations were also expressed which differed province to province.

In addition to specific, precise comments on the technical workings on the Code, were the suggestions to include undocumented labor under the Code, such as those who work in agriculture and domestic work, and that sexual harassment should be focused on more directly. Participants also suggested that harassment in public places should also be covered and that support services and awareness raising material should be available for women workers, to deal with harassment at the workplace. It was also proposed that employer's federations and sole proprietorships should be canvassed as often such outfits do not have the management structure needed to implement the Code, and that an over arching body be constituted to monitor adoption and implementation of Code, and to make it binding. Among the propositions, the participants voiced a strong need for strengthening democratic structures for protecting people's rights.

The Consultations were held in Sindh, Balochistan, NWFP and Punjab. They did not cover the federally administered tribal areas (FATA) or Pakistan administered Kashmir